About our Class
PRESIDENT:  Tony Ives                                                           
SEC.-TREAS:  Kathy Carfrae                                                   
HEAD GIRL:  Ann MacKenzie
HEAD BOY:  Tony Sparks
PRINCIPAL:   Mr. William Van Howe
ASST. PRINCIPAL:  Mr. Laurence Danielson
ASST. PRINCIPAL:  Mr. Ronald Mitchell
ASST. PRINCIPAL:  Mr. Jerry Faulkenburg
Class Song:  “Changing Seasons”
Class Flower:  White Rose
Homecoming Queen:  Jill Foster
 Court:  Carolyn Corrigan, Lisa Smith, Donna MacDougall, Benny Engles
Miss Noel and Beau:  Tanda Baessler and Jim Irwin
Most Representative of FHS:  Tony Sparks and Ann MacKenzie
Class Swingers:  Brad Johnson and Karen Greenwood
Most Typical:  Rob Dale and Kerry Hansen
Most Likely to Succeed:  Dave Jenson and Nora Brown
Class Brains:  Carol Ramsey and Dave Bosley
Most All Around:  Carolyn Corrigan and Bryan Thompson
Outstanding Musician:  Susanne Sherba and Steve Elwell
Most Athletic:  Arne Birkeness and Dawn Harrington
Most Talented:  Jeff Hardy and Kelly Gorder
Best Smile:  Dan Arnold and Carolyn Irwin
Best Dressed:  Allen McCowan and Margaret Tiao
Best Looking:  Jill Foster and Chris Sanders
Outstanding Vocalists:  Jim Irwin and Alison Armstrong
Friendliest:  Rocky Rockafellow and Mary Lou Canny
Class Clowns:  Rick Becker and Gigi Fox
Class Artists:  Denise Peters and Bob Daywitt
Sports:  Football -  Golf  -  Wrestling  -   Gymnastics  -  Swimming  -  Track  -  Volleyball  -  Tennis  -  Cross Country -  Basketball
Lance                                       Latin Club                                             
Royal Banner                             Int’l Relations Club                             
Greenhouse Club                       X-Country                                            
Mellow Club                              Down Hill                                             
Photo Club                               Radio Club                                           
AFS Exchange Students             Astronomy                                           
Flyers                                       Paiges                                                    
Forensics                                  Key Club                                              
War Games                               Pom Pons                                             
Chess Club                                Cheerleaders                                         
French Club                              Yell Squad                                           
German Club                             SWC Knight Ladies                             
Spanish Club                             Pep Club                                               
Russian Club                             Fellowship of Christian Athletes         
Bible Club                                 Chivalry
FBLA                                       Madrigals
FHA                                         Festival
Band                                       Concert Choir
Symphonic Band                       Age of Guinevere
Concert Band                           Court of Charlemagne
Jazz Ensemble I & II                  Thespians
Orchestra                                Juggling Club
Excalibur                                  Student Council
Broadway Show Choir